Do we need an API?

The title says all.
I’ve spent some time to create an API for the WTS.
In fact for now it’s a only a very simple API with a few Endpoints

Here is what we have:

  • api/login
    to authenticate the user (we use JSON Web Tokens)
  • api/projects/me
    Endpoint that shows all projects of the user (owner as well as maintainer)

    Sample json response (shortened)

             "name":"Video DownloadHelper",
                "date":"2016-01-29 22:28:06.000000",
                "date":"2016-03-16 12:01:21.000000",
  • api/projects/{id}
    Endpoint that shows detailed info about a project, the maintainers, the locales with status, translators and so on.

    Sample json response (shortened)

          "name":"Video DownloadHelper",
          "created_at":"2016-01-29 22:28:06",
          "updated_at":"2016-03-16 12:01:21",
             "name":"American English (United States)",
                      "credits_to":"TT International Group ("
                      "credits_to":"Ibrahim Saed []"
                "created_at":"2016-01-29 22:28:06",
                "updated_at":"2016-03-16 12:01:21"
                      "name":"Kiril Yordanov Kirilov",
                "created_at":"2016-01-29 22:28:06",
                "updated_at":"2016-03-16 12:01:21"
                "name":"Chinese (Taiwan)",
                      "credits_to":"James (Silencer)"
                      "credits_to":"Frank Wang"
                "created_at":"2016-01-29 22:28:06",
                "updated_at":"2016-03-16 12:01:21"

What I’m thinking about:

  • Endpoints to update/create/delete/download files
  • Endpoints to list/get/create/delete/update strings
  • Endpoints to create/delete(?) translations

But I’m not an Add-On developer.
I don’t know what kinds of Endpoints are useful for an Add-On developers or not.
So this is also an appeal for help.
Let me know what you think and what you need.


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