Firebug extension needs more…

What is the Firebug extension?

It is a smart and powerful Web Development tool. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page. Sure it is mainly a geek-oriented tool 😉
Grab it on AMO -Learn more in documentation

Who is maintaining this extension?

Joe Hewitt was the original creator but it is a whole development team now! Just recently Jan Odvarko decided to manage the localization process relying on BabelZilla. He is very welcome :).

Localize it!

We remember  in the past the question of localizing Firebug was controversial, various coders, though being Chinese or Spanish,  prefer to have it in English, and surely very specific technical terms must definitely not be translated. But we believe that the overall interface messages should be delivered in the user language. It is free choice then for developers to switch to en-US only if they feel like doing it (Quick Locale Switcher extension is very quick and efficient to change your language). Note also that some developers would prefer to stick to en-US interface because of the poor quality of the translation for their language. This is clearly a challenge for BabelZilla translators!

Firebug on BabelZilla: translators required!

There are currently 32 localizations for Firebug on the WTS, but only part of them are ready-to-use and set to “released”.  Some translators are missing in action for a long time, others are too busy to update at the moment… hey we are volunteers after all!

But now we call old and new forces to join efforts :

  • If you are a former translator, already registered, and still willing to maintain your translation, please do your best to update within a decent delay. Keep on doing the good job! 🙂
  • If you are a registered translator but for whatever reason not wishing to maintain your translation, send a PM to an admin to let us know and try if possible to find someone to take over, in your language forum on BabelZilla or by whatever other means. Thanks a lot! 🙂
  • If you are new to BabelZilla and willing to start translation for your language, just register at the bottom of this page and do it!
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