TransVision progress

TransVision progress

More usability features

Philippe Dessantes recently made some improvements on his TransVision tool (more about TransVision) that make it more efficient for us.

  • In the “Duplicates” tool the two translations of the same string are now in columns near to each other, so we can more easily compare them at a glance.
  • Searched terms are easier to spot in the results page, they are now displayed in red

  • … as well as the Mozilla “module” where they have been found (1st left-hand side column)
  • There is now an option to search for a whole word/string only
  • We can now search for entity name/property key. For example you can list every item which includes “accesskey” or “tooltiptext”
  • TransVision Glossary with same options is now available as a Web service, you can get a JSON file of the output (see this example)
    – Thank you Philippe!
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